why blog?
👋 Hello stranger reading this! I’m not sure why you’re here but this post explains why I want to blog.
so why?
A lot of people have told me that I’m a really quiet person and that they want to get to know me better. I’ve also been informed that people want to know what’s going on in my head. Truth be told, I’m usually “no thoughts, head empty”. I tend to not overthink things and mainly live (mostly) in the present because life is so unpredictable, something might happen to flip my world upside down so why bother planning every detail?
When attempting to make my personal website years ago, I looked at a bunch of other websites for inspiration and I liked the aspect of having a blog/forum of my own opinions and thoughts. I found that section of those sites extremely appealing to read through since it was a way to get to know those people better. Specifically, UC Berkeley’s CS 161 course has a pedagogy blog that I found especially fascinating and thought-provoking. Thus, I wanted a persistent means of sharing my advice or opinions online.
Personally, I don’t think anyone will read any of my posts because I’m boring but for a long time, I wanted to share a couple of my opinions and have a “diary” of some sort to see how my thinking has changed and/or transitioned over time. I love data and recording miniscule details so this is another means for that.
Medium is another blog forum site which I’ve used before but there are article reading restrictions on that platform, in addition to me not wanting people to get notified when I post which is why I’m choosing to post on my own site.
These opinions will be only affiliated with me and (probably) not edited or proof-read thoroughly, it’s just a method of me to thought dump and reflect as my life progresses. In actuality, it’s probably just me wasting my time by procrastinating. Hopefully I’ll be able to post semi-frequently during any downtime I have but we’ll see… 🤡